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What is E-A-T- in SEO? Is It Important?

What is E-A-T in SEO

E-A-T in SEO stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. This term was first introduced in 2014 in the Google Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines (Google Quality Rater Guidelines) document.

The document stated that E-A-T is used to measure the "appropriateness" and quality of content on a website. In other words, this score is used to state the validity of the information, thus marking our content as good quality and displayed on the first page of Google Search Result.

Initially, this E-A-T was intended for YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) content. Content that falls into this category has a fairly high risk of "danger" for readers because it can have a direct impact on health, financial stability, safety of a person, or even people's welfare. However, along with the development of Google's algorithm, content optimization through the E-A-T strategy is also recommended for all type of content.


Expertise refers to the knowledge or skills of the content writer in a particular field.

This does not mean that all writers must have a certain level of education or license to meet the "standard" expertise set by Google. This need depends on the topic or purpose of the website page.

Content that discusses medical advice, breaking news, financial advice, or scientific matters must be written by a person or organization with certain expertise or has been accredited.

While content regarding reviews, tips, and sharing life experiences does not require formal expertise. Google will consider the content creator as an "expert" if the content is written in detail, or based on personal life experience. Google calls this kind of person as an “everyday expert” because the information provided is relevant, detailed and useful for readers.


You can build a reputation so that you can be considered an expert by Google.

You can do this by discussing one topic in detail and thoroughly. It would be great if your content could later be used as a reference for writing on a similar theme.


Authoritativeness or authority refers to the reputation of a website. The assessment is carried out by Quality Raters from Google.

Raters will investigate and see the reputation of the content writer, the contents of the content, and the entire website itself. Are the authors, content, and websites a source and reference for content or other sites in a particular niche, field, and expertise.

The more content or website is referenced either on a website, social network, or forum, the more credible the website is.


Trustworthiness or trust refers to the accuracy of the website. The trust desired by Google concerns several aspects such as the validity of the information and the credibility of our website.

The validity of the information referred to is apart from the content and accuracy, as well as the person or organization responsible for the content and the website. The way we can do to help Google understand the validity of this information is by creating author and company profile pages, as well as completing our website with contact information or a statement regarding responsibility for the content published on the website.

Another aspect that influences the "trustworthiness" assessment relates to matters related to the credibility of our website, such as website security (https) and the existence of legal protection (privacy policy).

E-A-T method is one of the best SEO tips in 2023 that you can use for your blog. Even though E-A-T is not the only determining factor for ranking on the first page of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page), E-A-T can have a major influence on ranking because in addition to the good of readers or users with good content (not spam and scam), it is also an element that must exist to help search engines assess the quality of content.

With more and more content popping up, you may need to learn about E-A-T soon to increase your reputation in the niche you are after.

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