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5 Steps to Improve User Experiences

How to improve user experiences

One of the main factors that is very influential on the practice of SEO in recent years is User Experience.

This is very reasonable because Google is very dependent on the user. So do not be surprised if all the updates they make are made for user convenience, and make sure they get the answers they are looking for.

User's comfort is also an important thing that must be a concern of the website owner. If the user does not feel comfortable, it will be difficult for website owners to get traffic, let alone make a conversion.

Then what should we pay attention to? What are the steps that can be taken to improve user experience?

1. Improve PageSpeed

Increase your pagespeed is the first step that can be done to improve user experience. However slow websites are the main factors that make visitors leave your website.

Increasing website speed can be done in many ways. For example, choosing quality hosting, using caching, and compressing images and scripts.

2.Use Image and Video

Supporting media such as image or video can provide a good user experience. Upload images or videos that offer details of explanation or your product/service information. That way, users will immediately understand it.

Other benefits, the use of supporting media can make your website look more attractive, rather than the cramping text.

3. Use Responsive Design

Responsive web design is a method or approach to a web design system that aims to provide optimal surfing experiences in various devices. This way, your website would offer the same experience, whether being accessed through dektop PC or mobile phones.

This is more important considering that now there are more users who access the internet through their handheld devices. Search engines like Google even make this one of the factors in assessing a content.

4. Provide Search Box

Search box on the website is equally important. When users don't find what they are looking for, they will usually use a this feature based on keywords.

5. Call to Action

CTA (Call to Action) button placement is also strongly supports the user's experience. For example, when the user like your product/service, but CTA is not immediately visible, this will make them confused.

Therefore, make sure the location of CTA is strategic and easily seen. You can use different colors and contrast to attract the focus of your website users.

Improving user experience is one of the best SEO tips that you can apply in 2023. If you con't know where to start, you could try those steps mentioned above.

So when creating a website, don't just focus on search engines. Make sure your visitors are comfortable so that you are easier to get traffic and conversion.

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